Dreams are a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to Dream Prison

I'd like to welcome you to the Dream Prison. First, let me tell you a little bit about me. I'm a 28 year old male living in Indiana. I have an awesome family! My wife, Erica, is the love of my life and my daughter, Emily, is my world. Emily is a special needs child who battles the most severe form of epilepsy there is, Infantile Spasms. We struggle with her illness but we are strong and we will BEAT Infantile Spasms. Of that I am certain!

For as long as I can remember I've always had dreams. Weird dreams, scary dreams, happy dreams, vivid dreams, grotesque dreams, confusing dreams and even a few dreams that have been somewhat prophetic. The oldest dream I can remember is a dream that was a reoccurring one. (Perhaps that's why I remember it so well). I will tell that dream in its entirety another day in another post.

A lot of people have dreams and there is nothing that is "more special" about my dreams than anyone else's, other than the fact that mine are often so vivid and detailed. In fact, it never even occurred to me to start a dream blog until a friend of mine told me I HAD to start keeping these dreams in a journal or something. I considered it for a while and I've decided it was a great idea. I'm somewhat lazy so the thought of writing all these dreams in a journal wasn't very appealing and since I'm somewhat familiar with blogging I decided to create the Dream Prison blog.

I hope you find the Dream Prison interesting and maybe entertaining from time to time. I encourage you to participate and share your dreams and thoughts with me as we capture our dreams and lock them away forever. Who knows, maybe this can be the beginning of something big!

Sweet dreams,


  1. I can't wait to see what dreams come to you , Joe! I dream vivid myself, but thankfully nothing despairing or war-like. Crazy sometimes, and yeah, a few prophetic ones myself. This is gonna be cool!

  2. So excited for you to keep a record of your dreams buddy!!! God speaks through dreams - that's one thing we know! :)
